

Variations on a Nursery Song · Harp Concertino · Konzertstück for cello
Sofja Gülbadamova · Silke Aichhorn · Andrei Ioniţă · Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz · Modestas Pitrenas

C5463 PC: 21 UPC: 845221054636

[1] – [14]       
Variationen über ein Kinderlied für Klavier und Orchester op. 25 
Variations on a Nursery Song for piano and orchestra, Op. 25
[15] – [17]    
Concertino für Harfe und Kammerorchester op. 45 (1952)
Concertino for Harp and Chamber orchestra, Op. 45                      
[18] – [20]  
Konzertstück D-Dur für Violoncello und Orchester op. 12 (1904)
Konzertstück in D major for cello and orchestra, Op. 12 
Sofja Gülbadamova, Klavier / piano (1-14) · Silke Aichhorn, Harfe / harp (15-17)
Andrei Ioniţă,Violoncello / cello (18-20)
Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz
Modestas PitrėnasDirigent / conductor
Of the works Ernst von Dohnányi wrote for the stage, only his ballet pantomime The Veil of Pierrette (Capriccio-CD C5388) receive any particular acclaim. His concert music, meanwhile, was much more warmly received. With this already sixth recording of his late romantical, sensual music, deeply rooted in the Austro-German classical tradition, Capriccio presents three of his concerts. Apart from two piano concertos and two violin concertos, Ernst von Dohnányi wrote three more, which are concertos in all but name Variations (for piano and orchestra), Concertino (for harp and chamber orchestra), and Konzertstück (for cello and orchestra); the names subtly hinting at their specific character.


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