

Incidental Music after a Christmas Fairy Tale by Maurice Maeterlinck
Juri Tetzlaff · Rundfunkchor Berlin · Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin · Steffen Tast

2CD-Set · C5506 PC: 21 UPC: 845221055060

In 1908, Maurice Maeterlinck wrote his play The Blue Bird (L’Oiseau bleu). Having proved a good source of operatic subjects before (Pelléas et MélisandeAriane et Barbe-Bleue), it is no surprise that composers jumped at the opportunity to write music to this latest. The French composer Albert Wolff made an opera of it that, though premiered at the MET, has since been forgotten. But even before that, in 1912, Max Reinhardt put it on as an adapted Christmas play in Berlin and he had none less than Engelbert Humperdinck write the incidental music to it. The music was never published until Steffen Tast found the score and salvaged it for us to hear. A sweet story and sweeter still music by Humperdinck newly discovered? Why, that’s in and of itself as though it was Christmas!


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