
BRAHMS: String Quintet SCHÖNBERG: Transfigured Night
Sandor Végh
With CAPRICCIO Encore we re-release most famous recordings from the Backcatalogue in a remastered version, new design and for a special price. Legendary recordings of artsts like Sandor Végh, Ton Koopman, Sir Neville Marriner or the Vienna Boys’ Choir are also included as special repertoire highlights from the baroque to the contemporary era.
To his opponents and detractors, Brahms was for long considered a composer whose powers of invention were handicapped by excessive respect for tradition, and who, in a period of the hegemony of opera and sumptuously sonorous symphonic poems, had squandered his considerable compositional technique on old forms and genres like symphony, folksong, variations and chamber music. Then in 1933 Arnold Schönberg (in "Brahms the progressive") set against the conventional portrait of the musical conservative and imitator the image of the progressive composer who in his works had even demonstrated a new beginning. In his technique of "developed variation" (Schonberg) he formed from narrowly circumscribed material (at the extreme, from a single interval) far-reaching formal connections and replaced the "architectonic " by the "logical" form.